为了得到认同,他还要走的路非常艰辛。 这个电影想要表达的东西很多,看似和睦却由于固化思想其实无法接受,新的环境看似难处却带来了更好的结局,不管怎么样都是自己的孩子啊,不能说谁对谁错但愿世人的宽容之心和接纳能力能在宽泛一点吧,也希望更加开放的社会能够到来 最后 love is love!
Can we just ban male directors from *trying* to make feminist movies? The more they try, the more disgusting the movie gets. The awakening of females in men’s eyes: having a lot of penetrative sex (which SCIENTIFICALLY cant even give her orgasm) with old ugly men while her intelligence level is the same as a child. Stop beautifying pedophilia.