1. IT WAS A LOT. 2. 她们去看歌剧的时候,我实在想象不出这部电影会怎么结束,但,它是我看过的电影中最完美的一个结尾之一。3. 看到中途我已经想好了怎么批评Lonergan不会写母女关系,但很明显我错了。4. Lisa is probably going to grow up to be the most annoying and irritating new yorker ever, but at least she has the gut to admit her sin. 5. 喝了一大杯特浓绿茶后听Anna Paquin scream her lines太痛苦了,但她的确是这个角色的最佳人选。
OK. Here we go. Ep05的短暂的平静真的难得诶。Just love this White Wolf. 然后Bucky说的那段话呀,It's just, that shield's the closest thing I've got left to a family, so when you retired it, it made me feel I have nothing left. 哦这一集真的让人无比的想念Steve😔 最后的彩蛋才是搞事情呀Agent Sharon