看哭好几次... //That's all any of us are: amateurs. We don't live long enough to be anything else. // What do you want meaning for? Life is a desire, not a meaning. Desire is the theme of all life // There's greatness in everyone. But as a crowd, they're like a monster without a head that never knows which way it's going to turn. It can be prodded in any direction. // Think of the power that's in the universe, moving the earth, growing the trees. That's the same power within you if you only have courage and the will to use it
两好三坏!关键一投!let's go!
四小时结束,离场音乐停止,我还处在为斯嘉丽“Tomorrow is another day”而受到的震撼中,久久失语。绝美晚霞里的剪影和午后树木间撒下的细碎阳光让人很难不相信斯嘉丽与Tara间的羁绊,当她抓起一把红土时,我的掌心里仿佛也能感受到泥团的软糯质地。 《乱世佳人》里有着影史上最丰满细腻的女性群像(而《飘》可能和《红楼梦》不分伯仲),两位女主各异的性格却都如此真实而有魅力(果然只有女性作家才能展现女性最强大的力量)。感情线同样令人唏嘘,因为每个被爱的人都把爱她的人的心揉得粉碎。 btw世界上真的还会有比瑞德更好的男人吗???