看完19年底SP大意了,中江還是把角色都拍得像弱智一樣,有幾場戲浮誇得要命。其實是講中年危機,還是長輩後路和個人前途,這倒不是同性愛人的特殊功課。比起愛人,史朗賢二是共度餘生的伴侶,以前是節儉搶減價食材也浪漫,現在則是吃點油炸食品都現實。是拍劇場版就想搞點大事情,但這種日常情景劇恰恰是不適合搞事的。沒想到要靠對島先生進行female gaze才拯救了觀感(話說回來西裝和ppai好澀哦)。島先生收斂的戲份好過釋放太多,戴上墨鏡的確有點像湯姆克魯斯。吉爾貝爾在劇裡還能算是任性可愛,在電影基本上就是ky發瘋了吧。美容室後輩太毀氣氛了,what a 大毒餅不接好過,甚至沒必要找個傑尼斯來演。
What the fuck is the end of ep8? Don’t ‘alt er love’ me cause that’s just bad writing. That’s misery porn for cis people which is what I’ve been told by trans people and if you are cis then please shut up cause you don’t fucking have a say in this. And you know what the saddest part is? It’s still the best trans representation we got so far.