「Life is full of frightful things. The great thing is to find something to be happy about and stick to that.」「Do you know what writing a book against war is like? It's like writing a book against Wednesdays. Wednesdays, are a fact of life and if you don't like them, you could stay in bed but you can't stop them because Wednesdays are coming and if today isn't actually a Wednesday it soon will be.」
Men suck.不是所有的情欲都叫爱情。裘花简直一高配黄晓明。娜塔莉太迷人了,唯一的焦点,性感和天真都有,她躺在沙发穿着灰色大T恤仿佛还是Leon里的小女孩。Stripper真是一个非常有趣的职业,当肉体也是一种可以脱下的面具,只有名字守卫着真实的自己。