以后可以列一个黑名单叫做“影坛不知所云却逼格高耸入云的自以为是的怪咖高桌子小团体”,有他们的片子绝对不看!!!首先韦斯安德森的片子再也不看了,Bill Murry, Tilda Swinton, 还有选片口味越来越脑残的诺顿,再见吧再见。=皿=
God has written his own story for you. And it's not the feelings of your heart that is should be based upon, but rather the thoughts of your heart that you need to hear. That inner voice that tells you that this man care for you no matter what that he'll still want to kiss you when you're old and gray. Tend to you when you're sick.