影片篇幅稍微有一点长,有好多perspective可以想这件事:1.美国这样一个boast宗教自由和移民主义的国家,可以对新宗教和新到来者接受到什么程度?基督教曾经也是历史上的邪教,Antelope当地的40个人 VS. 后来到来的一万人,究竟谁是majority?因为在当地生活的更久就拥有更强的legitimacy吗?(Think about Israel and Palestine)2. 因为这个宗教的行为与现在被普遍接受的moral code不符,就完全不能接受吗?(当然下毒、谋杀这些行为无论在什么context下都无法被接受)那宗教自由可以被接受到什么程度?不伤害他人?3. 人真的是蛮神奇蛮脆弱蛮好骗的
There are some storylines that developed well in the foreground or background but Kala has the least progress. In the second half, there's more synergy but also more plotholes during the attempts to bring the pieces back together but it is good that answers are provided.