与普通故事里我们期待的亮眼的主人公不同,Redmond Barry其人不过是那个年代一个真实的普通人,他为爱痴狂过也放荡不羁过,他是位英勇的战士但也当过逃兵,他能赚钱更善于花钱,他投机倒把但却是尾好父亲,老库的电影只负责还原历史把这个人一生娓娓道来。如同葬礼上的悼词一般“We brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out”
1917-06-17,移民。卓别林为Mutual电影公司拍摄了十二部系列短片的第十一部。Charlie is on his way to the USA. He wins in a card game, puts the money in Edna's bag (she and her sick mother have been robbed of everything). When he retrieves a little for himself he is accused of being a